- 容易:让常用的任务容易完成,为复杂的流程分步,并提供快捷方式。
- 清晰:让用户使用时,能够预料到发生什么。
- 一致:始终用用户熟悉的方式进行展现,并满足用户期望。例如:功能相同的元素外观应该一致。
- 内容模型:比如用方位和方向上的组织,自然地表现内容上的包含关系,并列关系。
- 单一主题:一个页面应只有或突出一个主题。
- 灰度设计:抛开颜色的束缚,用灰度模式设计页面。
- 空白是美:留出足够的空白,不仅能够有效的区分和组织内容,更能提升阅读体验。
- 适可而止:每个页面只展现必需的内容,避免把所有内容一次展现。有步骤地展示信息。会使交互更加清晰。
- 减少颜色:尽量使用少的颜色,例如灰色加一种亮色可以快速吸引注意力。如uber官网。
- 统一色调:使用统一色调的多种颜色。可以使用Adobe Color CC快速生成一组颜色。
- 色彩引导:颜色可以用作引导和强调,不要让不重要的内容分散用户注意力
- 背景图片:以图片做背景可以一目了然的完成主题的沟通,如果图片上有文字,最好加上蒙版或阴影提升反差。
- 对比平衡:用颜色和字体可以很好的产生对比,但注意周围的平衡。比如突出一组数字时,数字可以字体大而细,描述文字可以字体小而粗。
- 容错:降低误操作的可能及成本,尤其考虑移动设备的触控操作。
- 反馈:告知用户正在发生或将要发生的事情、状态及结果,给用户恰当的预期。
- 帮助:帮助选项是不必要的,应该内嵌指引,并只在用户需要的时候出现在适当的位置。
Principles of user interface design
The structure principle: Design should organize the user interface purposefully, in meaningful and useful ways based on clear, consistent models that are apparent and recognizable to users, putting related things together and separating unrelated things, differentiating dissimilar things and making similar things resemble one another. The structure principle is concerned with overall user interface architecture.
The simplicity principle: The design should make simple, common tasks easy, communicating clearly and simply in the user's own language, and providing good shortcuts that are meaningfully related to longer procedures.
The visibility principle: The design should make all needed options and materials for a given task visible without distracting the user with extraneous or redundant information. Good designs don't overwhelm users with alternatives or confuse with unneeded information.
The feedback principle: The design should keep users informed of actions or interpretations, changes of state or condition, and errors or exceptions that are relevant and of interest to the user through clear, concise, and unambiguous language familiar to users.
The tolerance principle: The design should be flexible and tolerant, reducing the cost of mistakes and misuse by allowing undoing and redoing, while also preventing errors wherever possible by tolerating varied inputs and sequences and by interpreting all reasonable actions.
The reuse principle: The design should reuse internal and external components and behaviors, maintaining consistency with purpose rather than merely arbitrary consistency, thus reducing the need for users to rethink and remember.